
Advent part 2

Day five: We made and wrote out our Christmas cards. I was lucky to have a child-free afternoon on Tuesday so spent the afternoon painting Christmas cards. So relaxing. The girls have drawn pictures inside and now we need to deliver the goods!

Day six: St Nicholas day celebrations! The girls got a gingerbread treat in their cones and we took the rest of the gingerbread to school for the St Nicholas day celebrations. The school celebrations bring a tear to my eye every time! Children are the most sweetest, darling little things, aren't they?!

Day seven: Lola and Sadie wrote their letters to Santa... well they drew what they wanted. Nostalgia set in watching the girls do this, I still remember the excitement of writing my letter to Santa.  Lola would like a play farm and Sadie would like a tricycle.

Day eight: We made a pompom wreath! This was so fun!

Day nine: Woollen Christmas angels. I had started making some needle felted angels but didn't get them finished in time. I whipped these up early this morning, I think they turned out ok! I followed this tutorial here. Super quick and easy!

So, it's rather festive in this household at the moment. It's such a nice feeling!


  1. That's such a lovely idea! I can't wait to have kids of my own to do something like this with!

  2. I love your advent things. Such sweet & fun memories you'll have!

  3. The pom pom christmas wreath is outstanding!


